
We offer comprehensive consulting to technical professionals involved in design and service and to owners and operators of refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Our competencies cover all aspects related to the design, construction, operation and maintenance of HVAC systems.

Planning and Design

We analyse the technical assignment and optimize the requirements to the performance characteristics, the operation and maintenance of the systems. We conduct technical and economical assessment of the planning and design activities, effectively preventing all potential mistakes and flaws right from the beginning.

Licensing and Approval

We observe the compliance with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements and standards, ensuring quick and secure project approval process. We consult the competent authorities and provide assistance in the preparation of the necessary documentation. We assess the potential project environmental impact and ensure that the systems comply with all ecological requirements.


We guarantee the successful project realization by observing all assembly and installation activities and conduct the necessary tests and inspections during the commissioning of the systems. We observe the correct execution of all technical procedures and the following of all good practices. We ensure the safety of the systems and the achievement of high energy efficiency.

Operation and Maintenance

We use the state of the art measuring instruments and software in order to analyse the behaviour of the operated systems. We propose specific measures by which we guarantee the reliable and efficient operation of the systems. We observe the time intervals and deadlines for the execution of all respective inspections and document attestation. We inform you for all changes in the active legal and regulatory requirements.