Water Chiller 105 kW

The presented water chiller has a non-typical configuration consisting in the use of remote air condensers. The need for this is caused by the requirements of the particular application. The main features of the system are:

  • two completely independent refrigerant circuits connected to a common hydraulic system in order to ensure maximal operational reliability

  • high efficiency scroll compressors

  • brazed plate heat exchangers specially optimized for use with R410A

  • air condensers with EC fans providing low condensation temperature, minimal power consumption and stable system control

  • electronic expansion valves (EEV) that provide optimum use of the evaporator heat transfer surface and precise control of the refrigerant mass flow rate in accordance with the dynamic working conditions

  • integrated heat recovery system for domestic hot water heating

  • optimized design that provides fast and efficient execution of all service operations

  • web-based interface that allows remote control and monitoring of all operating parameters, diagnostics and automatic notification